Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we meet on Saturday?
Saturday, or Shabbat, is the day of the corporate gathering set forth in the Torah (first five books of the Bible). We believe that God gave to us Shabbat as a continuing sign of His covenant promises (Gen 2:1-2, Ex 20:8-11, 31:12-17, 35:1-3) and His love for us. As we keep Shabbat, we remember that it is a reminder of the spiritual rest we have through Yeshua’s work on our behalf, and a foreshadowing of the eternal rest we will enjoy in the world to come. Shabbat begins Friday evening at sunset and ends Saturday at sunset.

What does Shabbat Shalom Mean?
In Hebrew, Shabbat Shalom literally means "Rest & Peace" and is a typical greeting between believers on the Sabbath.  If somebody says, “Shabbat Shalom” to you, just say “Shabbat Shalom” right back!

Why do we meet on Saturday?
Saturday, or Shabbat, is the day of the corporate gathering set forth in the Bible. We understand that God gave to us the Sabbath as a continuing sign of His covenant promises (Gen 2:1-2, Ex 20:8-11, 31:12-17, 35:1-3) and His love for us. As we keep Shabbat, we remember that it is a reminder of the spiritual rest we have through Yeshua’s work on our behalf, and a foreshadowing of the eternal rest we will enjoy in the world to come.  Shabbat begins Friday evening at sunset and ends Saturday evening at sunset.

What is a “Messianic” community?
Communities and congregations who call themselves “Messianic” do so for a variety of reasons. The term “Messianic” is derived from the Hebrew word “Mashiach” from which we get the English word, “Messiah.” The related term “Messianic” was later applied to the 1st century movement of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth. A number of Jewish and non-Jewish scholars have correctly labeled this 1st century movement “Messianic Judaism.” More simply put, Messianic means, "Of the Messiah."

Why do some people wear fringes at their waist?
The fringes, or tzit-tzit, are what God commanded us to wear (Num 15:37-41) so that we will remember His commands and obey them.  The only details we are given is that there is to be a cord of blue, and that they are placed on the four edges, hems, or corners of our garments (Deut. 22:12).  We tend to be creative, using a variety of colors and tying them in unique ways.

Why do some women wear head coverings?
We believe the scriptures point to women’s head covering in 1 Corinthians 11 where Paul teaches that there is an authoritative structure for submission: God > Yeshua > Man > Woman. By covering her head, a woman is showing her submission to God’s design of authority over her. All of us (men and women) are called to be in submission. A woman’s head covering is one outward symbol of her celebration of God’s design of creation.

Why do people sometimes use the name “Yahweh”?
The name Yahweh is derived from the tetragrammaton (YHVH), which is used approximately 6,800 times in scripture. Although there are various pronunciations that people will use, this is one of the more common. We neither mandate that anyone use this name, nor do we forbid its use.  The name of God, Yahweh or YHVH, is often connected with His revelation to Moses in Exodus 3:14 where "God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM.'" God is the self-existent One, the I AM, who is worthy of all worship, glory, honor and praise.

Why do we call Jesus “Yeshua”?
Yeshua is the Hebrew name of Jesus and means, "salvation." Hebrew names have meanings that reveal the character and purposes, or significant events surrounding a person’s life. The angel told Mary to name her child “Yeshua” for He would save His people from their sins. The meaning of His name revealed His character, purpose, and mission in life.  He was and forever will be Yahweh’s Salvation given to all humanity!

Why do people follow the “food laws”?
In regards to the biblical diet outlined in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, we believe that following this plan helps maintain our being a people set apart unto the Lord and reflects our love for Him. In light of this, we encourage everyone to consider appropriating this diet into their lifestyle as the Holy Spirit leads them.  For onegs (pot lucks), we ask everyone to follow this biblical plan for eating when considering what dish to bring.